"Creating EFT Scripts" eBook

Is it a struggle creating eft scripts to release your emotions
Not sure how to put your emotions and beliefs into eft scripts
The Most Common Phrase Expressed By Individuals is "I Don't Know What To Say When Creating A Script"
This Program Will Enable You To Overcome The Obstacles To Creating EFT Scripts, So You Can Release Whatever Is Holding You Back From Living Your Full Potential
"With Joe's Personal Method Of Scripting you will be able to Release Whatever Negative Emotions and Beliefs are Keeping you from Your Desires"

Message From Joe Williams:
"This is your opportunity to learn the very same techniques that I use on my own personal emotions, which are the very same techniques I use when helping others find release from their negative emotions. Learn first hand how to create the same type of EFT Scripts that I have used to help hundreds overcome a lifetime of negative emotions and limiting beliefs".

Emotional Freedom Technique has now become this decades most widely used tool for releasing stress, anxiety, negative emotions, PTSD, depression, fear, phobia's, childhood trauma, anger, procrastination and the list goes on and on. It is anticipated that over the next decade EFT will become the preferred tool by doctors and physiologists worldwide.
EFT has been the leading energy therapy for almost 30 years, far exceeding any other emotional therapy previously available.

Why It Seems That So Many Feel That Creating EFT Scripts Is Difficult

Whilst EFT is so simple to apply many individuals can find themselves stuck in the Script creation process, being unable to move through to actually tapping on their emotions or limiting beliefs.... Why?.
For the most part scripting looks intense and can seem very intimidating due to its clinical looking appearance. So when you couple that with your feeling and emotions it becomes easy to remain stuck as our analytical minds try to rationalize the process to come up with A1 first class scripts.
The reason so many of us become stuck is because of this over analytical approach to scripting. The biggest tip I can give you right now is to "say it like it is", say the exact truth behind whatever it is you are wanting to release.
If you had a bad childhood and you started tapping to phrases like "my childhood was bad", "It wasn't much fun", "I had such a difficult time" and you are not finding much release then ask yourself if this is the truth behind the emotion.
It could be that you are not saying it like it is, yes you may have had what you call a bad childhood, but what is really behind these feelings? you may have been bullied at school, or you may have had abusive parents, so tapping on a phrase like "my childhood was bad" isn't going to help much when you are feeling deep pain and what you really want to be tapping on is what is really going on in your head: "I hate my father for hitting me", "he was such a bully", "I was so scared of him", "I hate him so much", "I am so angry at my mum for not stopping him from hitting me",
My tip for you today is to: "Say the truth, what is really behind all the drama, say it like it is"

Removing All The Mystery Out Of The Scripting Process

I answer the most common blocks individuals have when scripting, eliminating the beliefs that creating scripts is difficult or that you need years of experience to create effective scripts.
I offer you a way of looking at scripting which enables you to see scripting for what it really is, a tool to releasing, not some mystical process which is only available to a handful of individuals. I provide you with simple processes that can be applied over and over and over to give you permanent release.
The tools that you will learn will enable you to become more then just someone who uses scripting for personal use. These are the very same methods I use everyday when helping clients, which means you will instantly be able to apply these same techniques to help others overcome their own negative emotions and limiting beliefs.
You will be shown how to release without scripting using "The Pen and Paper Method of Scripting", plus I will take you on a journey of script creation using my own personal methods.
No longer will anyone be needing to say "I don't know how to script"

Who Is This Program For

This program is for anyone wanting to overcome negative emotions and limiting beliefs. This is not just a program that is directed at beginners, this program is suited for beginners and professionals.
Beginners will walk away with the knowledge and the skills to be able to release mountains of emotions without the worry of not knowing how to tap. You will have everything you need at your finger tips that will enable you to release your negative emotions, including tips and processes to overcome those emotions which seem blocked.
But more importantly you will have the ability to release with or without conventional EFT Scripting. This means you will no longer have to set time aside to create special scripts, you can simply write your thoughts down and using the methods taught in this program you will be releasing in minutes. As you use these methods more you will find yourself creating scripts of the top of your head using all the elements taught in this program
Professionals and EFT Enthusiasts gain by having access to additional tips and tools which can be added to their existing arsenal of tricks which they use when helping others overcome a life time of emotion. . You will also gain by being able to use the many tips and tools to help with your own personal releasing.
I like many other professionals in the field know that it is never done, we never stop learning, we never stop growing. Which is why we seek out the tools, tips and methods being used by other EFT Professional around the globe

What Will I Gain From This Program

The most outstanding comment I have received from those individuals using these methods is they have gained a new found confidence with releasing.
This new found confidence is so reassuring that many begin to release those topics which have been blocked for years. This program enabled them to look at themselves, their emotions and their beliefs from a different perspective. But more importantly the most outstanding remark I hear is how simple and easy tapping has now become.
The knowledge that you now have the ability to be able to release on your own without all the worry of knowing how to script, and the worry that you might be doing it wrong is a refreshing approach to EFT. Its this approach to scripting which I believe has become the catalyst to the growing confidence that so many are now experiencing when using EFT

What Comes With This Program of Creating EFT Scripts

You receive my trade mark guide "The Pen and Paper Method of Scripting"
Yes I can quit smoking
You will also receive another 80 page guide dedicated to creating personal scripts called "Creating EFT Scripts - Putting all the tiny pieces together"
Yes I can quit smoking
In addition to the EFT Guide it also comes with additional audio instruction. You will receive over 90 minutes of additional audio information on individual MP3's
Yes I can quit smoking
You will also receive an additional guide which provides some additional tips to using EFT and the art of wealth creation, called "Paving the Road"
Yes I can quit smoking
As a Bonus I am also giving you an ebook containing 11 Scripts to releasing blocks to success and wealth. That's well over 60 minutes of EFT Scripting and Releasing
Yes I can quit smoking

Pen and Paper Method of Scripting
This guide will show you how you can develop and create personal scripts within minutes, with very little or no experience.
This unique method of scripting isn't really a scripting method at all, but a way to script without actually scripting.
Using this method I will show you how EFT becomes a by product of the process, tapping and using EFT is something that is done at the end and only taken into consideration at the very last step..
The Pen and Paper Method of Scripting instantlyremoves any hurdles anyone has with not knowing how to script,
Joe Williams Pen and Paper method of EFT Scripting

Here are a couple of comments received about "The Pen and Paper Method":
I've used this scripting method for just a couple of days, but it has helped me uncover layers of stuff that I did not even know existed in my thinking.. the questions that one asks- and the answers that come up really helped me get things in perspective. I'm making progress with some issues that had remained stuck for a long time.
This guide helps you articulate your thoughts. often people get stuck when they just feel they don't know what to say. This guide helps them get unstuck.

It was a kind of surprise to me, but I started to tap on emotions concerning my habit of biting lips and it took me to many other issues
I started to tap EFT and write down my thoughts about my habit - biting lips. I have this habit since the childhood and was never quiet able to get rid of it. As I started to tap and write, it took me to many other thoughts and feelings. The urge to bite my lips stopped shortly after the tapping and writing. As I finished, I had a better clarity and energy, I felt good.
Svetlana L..

Creating EFT Scripts
"Connecting All The Tiny Pieces"
This guide is a complete program dedicated entirely to the whole scripting. process.
The guide covers what I call the 14 Key Elements to releasing and scripting. I take you on a journey of emotional release and script development.
Plus in addition to this guide I have included additional information in the form of MP3 Audio's which you will listen to at specific intervals as you consume this guide to creating eft scripts.
Creating EFT Scripts is the complete guide to scripting in Ebook Format and comes with over 90 minutes of additional information in MP3's
29 Core Smoking Beliefs
Here are a couple of comments received about the Guide and Audio's:
All I have to say is wow...
I have been performing EFT for over 2 years now, I have helped a couple of family members but mainly its been for my own use as I have a lot of garbage in my closet. I have purchased other material on EFT over the last couple of years and I have spent many hours at night reading and tapping, but I was never able to fully resolve my issues.
I have used Joe's scripts many times over the last couple of years so grabbing a copy of his scripting program was a no brainier for me. I was not sure what he was going to show me, I was just hoping to learn a couple of new things but I was not expecting to learn as much as I did, as I thought I knew it all.
His ideas and his approach to scripting has changed my outlook on tapping. I have spent the last couple of weeks clearing some of the garbage that I was never able to fully resolve in the last 2 years, and best of all it was so simple and easy to do. I now realize that all this time I have been trying to create eft scripts by thinking, when I should have been listening and feeling.
I have listened to the audio's many times as I drive my car, thanks Joe for an awesome program.

I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for this program. I love the pen and paper method of scripting as it is so simple and so natural, and I am no longer worried about how to put my problems into a script as this method does not involve creating of scripts.
The actual guide and audio's which talk about scripting has taught me so much, not only has it taught me how to script but it has shown me so much about myself. I considered each of the elements along the way and I realized just how much stuff I was pushing down and not releasing. Because the key elements are so simple to apply I am no longer afraid to script. I use to be so afraid because I was worried I would uncover something that I could not release on my own.
I have learnt that I can use the pen and paper method first to write some information down (which I love doing as this is not scripting), and then as I tap at the end I also see if any of the key elements from the main guide can be used on my issue, then I just tap.
No longer am I creating long scripts, I don't really create scripts any more, I simply do the free hand writing at the start and then I just tap as I go, I simply ask myself what is going on and then I tap and clear as I go and I just use those key elements that are applicable.
thank you so much

Paving the Road
This is a small guide which provides you with additional personal tips which I use for releasing and scripting.
This guide also elaborates a bit further and talks about vibrations, energy, and the role negative influences play in attracting a happy, loving and fulfilling life.
I also provide you with personal lists and tools which I use when helping others release blocked energy
Paving the Road is full of additional tips and toolswhich I use for releasing and scripting..
Joe Williams Pen and Paper EFT Scripting

11 Bonus EFT Scripts
I have also included an ebook containing 11 Bonus Scripts aimed at Success and Wealth Creation.
This ebook contains Full Length Professional Scripts which consist of over 60 minutes of tapping covering this topics:
  • Fear of Greatness
  • Fear of Not Being Good Enough
  • Fear of Rejection
  • Fear of Failure
  • Fear of Success
  • Money Doesn't Like Me
  • Letting Go of Debt
  • Money Is Hard To Come By
  • Money Doesn't Grow On Trees
  • I will never have enough money
  • There is never enough money
Ebook consisting of 11 Scripts to help you on the road the wealth and success..

Joe Williams Pen and Paper EFT Scripting
60 Minutes of
EFT Tapping

All Of This Incredible Library is Included In This Unique Program Of Script Creation

Joe Williams Pen and Paper method of EFT Scripting
29 Core Smoking Beliefs

Joe Williams Pen and Paper EFT Scripting
Joe Williams Pen and Paper EFT Scripting
Real Cost of all the Material Sold Separately

The information in this Program is Priceless
Adding up the retail price of all the products if sold individually comes to a total cost of $206.00but you get the complete program containing all of these products at one low rate, making this the ultimate program of script development found anywhere on the net.

That's an incredible discount of 80%

Releasing Negative Emotions & Limiting Beliefs Is Only A Tap Away !

Here is another comment received about "The Pen and Paper Method":
I am thoroughly impressed with your method of scripting. I think it is easy to read and follow.
It flows very easily all of the way through. I didn't have to re-read any part because of your seamless way of explaining the process. I really enjoyed the last page because it is a quick reference to return to and review the steps when I am ready to create my next script. The examples you gave were a very important part of the guide.
I'll admit that I was a little nervous about learning to script (maybe I should tap on that!!). I thought that it was going to be difficult. The scripts that you create on your site are so wonderful. I really never thought that I could create any scripts just for me. Reading your guide was like having you right there beside me. I was unprepared for the issues that came up while writing out my questions and going in depth about my chosen topic. Just writing it all out without judgment liberated me to uncover hidden thoughts and feelings. I liked your idea of doing this exercise without even thinking or worrying about turning it into an EFT script. I was just free to let my pen express what I was feeling. The steps following this exercise effortlessly led me right into creating my setup phrases and tapping point phrases.
Wow! It was so easy and effective. Since it was my own words, the EFT seemed to be more helpful and successful than following someone else's scripts. There was so much emotion put into my free writing that the scripts I created made a big impact. I really released a lot of negative emotions and beliefs. It was one of the most productive tapping sessions I've ever done!
Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to put together such an astonishing scripting guide. I can't see anyone, whether they are experienced with EFT or not, having any problems following along with your instructions and having outstanding results. I will definitely be using your method over and over again.
Thank you!!

Shonda W..

The Complete Program to Creating EFT Scripts
Joe Williams Pen and Paper method of EFT Scripting
29 Core Smoking Beliefs

Joe Williams Pen and Paper EFT Scripting
Joe Williams Pen and Paper EFT Scripting

Easy your headaches or your money back
100% 60 Day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee
If you don't believe this product delivers, and you were committed to the scripting processes, simply email me to arrange for your money back

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